Protect yourself from Fraud

Protect yourself from Fraud

  1. Use official channels to purchase your insurance and avoid suspicious promotional messages.
  2. One of the methods of fraud is promoting fake insurance offers at unreal prices. To avoid fraud, only deal with licensed brokers when purchasing your insurance.
  3. Take care when dealing with individuals posing as insurance companies with deeply discounted rates, whether by call or through messages. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
  4. Verify that the insurance company you are dealing with is licensed by the Insurance Authority. It is preferable to visit one of the company’s branches or contact one of the official channels as published on their website.
  5. Before providing any personal information or carrying out any financial transaction, always ensure the authenticity and credibility of the source, verify the identity of the company and verify its actual existence by using official websites and calling the announced numbers.
  6. Avoid sharing your sensitive personal or financial information via phone, email, or untrusted websites.
  7. You can view all insurance companies authorized by the Insurance Authority through the link.

For reports and assistance, please contact customer service via:

If you have been a target of fraud, you can may wish to report cybercrimes to the competent authorities through the link.