Sabotage and Terrorism Insurance


Many firms need protection against Sabotage and Terrorism, our insurance offers your company robust cover against the dangers and financial impact of terror acts, insurrections and social unrest.

Chubb Arabia encourage you to invest in a cover that can protect your financial security against property damage and business interruption during such events. With our cover, you can sustain profitable business activity during an attack, and adjust it accordingly to address the evolving security environment.

It Can Extend To Covers:

We Protect Your Business Operations Against These Risks Associated with Terrorism and Civil Unrest

  • Property Damage
    This Cover Insures Property Against Physical Loss or Physical Damage Following Loss Caused by One of The Covered Policy Perils
  • Business Interruption
    Policy Can be Extended to Cover Loss Resulting from Necessary Interruption of Business due to Physical Loss or Physical Damage Following Loss Caused by One of The Covered Policy Perils
  • Third Party Lability
    Policy Can be Extended to Cover Third Party Lability due to Claim or Claims for Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage Following Loss Caused by One of The Covered Policy Perils

Type of Coverages:

  • Sabotage and Terrorism Insurance (S&T)
  • Riots, Strikes, Civil Commotion, Malicious Damage, Terrorism and Sabotage Insurance (SRCCMD)
  • Political Violence Insurance (PV)

Benefits (Why Chubb Arabia?)

  • Financial Soundness – Chubb Arabia is a Strong Insurer and Have An A3 Rating From Moodys
  • Dedicated and Experienced Team of Professionals
  • Flexible Coverage to Meet the Needs of a Variety of Individuals, Businesses and Industries
  • Superior Claim Handling

Required Information:

  • Completed Proposal Form
  • GPS Coordinates/Exact Location
  • Loss and /or Threats History
  • Breakup of Insured Values
  • Occupancy of The Premises